Friday, May 14, 2010


Energy is the ability to do work

Potential Energy
  • stored energy due to a body's position or condition.

Chemical potential energy
  • the energy stored in fuels such as petrol and food
  • can be released through chemical reactions
Gravitational potential energy
  • the energy an object has because of its position or location
Elastic potential energy
  • the energy an object has when it is stretched or compressed
Kinetic energy
  • the energy that a body has due to its motion
Heat energy
  • the energy that flows from a region of higher temperature to one at lower temperature
Light energy
  • the energy that enables us to see
Sound energy
  • the energy produced when objects vibrate
  • allows us to communicate
Electrical energy
  • the energy that results from the flow of charged particles
  • can be transformed into many other forms of energy

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